GTX-Capital Webtrader Desktop
What is GTX-Capital webtrader?
GTX-Capital Webtrader is the most popular trading platform at the moment, because of the sophisticated tools and built-in functions which allow traders to implement any kind of trading strategy, no matter how complicated it is. GTX-Capital Webtrader has the power and ability to trade automatically. It is the perfect choice for expert traders, since they can customize their trading environment to display live charts, indicators and tools they need in each moment.

Why use GTX-Capital Webtrader?
Usually GTX-Capital Webtrader is chosen by advanced traders due to the large amount of information able to be shown in one window at the same time. This information can be chosen by the user and the windows are movable around the screen and changeable. Charts, indicators, tools can be overlayed.
GTX-Capital Webtraderorder types

Buy Stop
Define a price you would like your position to be active in the market. When the current price of the asset is lower than the value you predefined you should use this order type.

Sell Stop
Open a position at a predefined price, use this order when you think that the price will reach a certain level and then continue going down.

Buy Limit
The buy order will be executed when the price of the asset will reach the level of the price you previously defined. This order is used when the price will go down until one point and than rise.

Sell Limit
This order is the opposite of ‘Buy Limit’, it opens a sell position when the price meets the level you predefined. It is used when the price will rise until one point and then drop.